Love makes the world go round
This weekend I saw two movies, Brokeback Mountain and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Each is the darling of a polar end of the political spectrum, or so the media would have you believe. Actually, I have convservative friends whom I know will probably see Brokeback and love it, and I know a lot of far lefties who will see the Narnia flick and adore it as well. Which makes a lot of sense, as when I came out of TLTWATW this afternoon my first thought was that both those movies had the same core message: love one another.
I didn't recall that being the central message of the Lewis versions so explicitly, but they made a big deal of it in the film version. And for all the jokes about gay cowboys and Ledger and what'shisface's protetations of how hard it was to be gay, the message of Brokeback Mountain is not that it's okay to be gay as much as it is that it's okay to be yourself and that you should take love where you find it and not let it pass you by. So, love one another.
Only people so ferverently on message to their respective radicalism could see either movie and do anything but say, "Wow, that touched me." Of course, Brokeback will make you bawl your head off while you say it, but still, it's very touching. So is Narnia.
It does make me sad that we live in a world that two dueling parties back two films that have such similar base messages, but we can't get behind each other and celebrate those similarities.
Okay, time to go watch Doctor Who again.
God, but he's hot.
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