Not terribly impressed with Texas
At least with Crawford.
You know, I get that it's frustrating to have a media circus in your town, and I bet it's hard because it's your golden boy they're angry at. I have no idea why he's your golden boy, but I understand that he is, and I respect your frustration. I even respect your attempt to legally remove them from your neighborhood. I don't agree, but I respect that you're doing it the sane, humane way. Like real grown ups.
But firing shots in the air and vandalizing representaitons of the dead? This is the sort of Texas that makes me say things like, "I'd die before I moved there."
And you could say that these are just two examples, and that's valid. Except every time I turn around somebody from Texas is telling me, with a gleefully mad look in their eye, how wonderful Texas is because this manly sort of display is how Texas solves so many of its problems. Even problems that aren't problems, just differences in taste. Like this, when I said on a board that I wanted a character in my story to drive a truck, and I saw it as a Nissan -- could someone give me a specific model that would be good for an old, beatup Nissan that ran like a tank? There was all sorts of helpful advice, nice and specific. Then I got this from a Texan: the "good old boys" in the South would steal my hero's Nissan, drag it away like a lynching, push it in the swamp, and then go party. And my hero should be happy for this and go buy a Chevy.
Right. Um, no. Not wildly impressed. If this is Texas, this explains so much. Including why I REALLY never need to go there.
Except I can't do this, because I know good people in Texas, too. So, somebody brave enough to take on insane Bubbas please go straighten this out? Thanks.
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