Sunday, February 26, 2006

Scatty Sunday

Jenny Crusie does Random Sundays, but I think I do scatty ones.  I remember being this way last week, too.  I think it's that weird is-it-last-week-or-next-week? energy that pushes me in eight directions at once.  Or it could be the forces of hell trying to claim me because I haven't been to church in close to a year. Of course, I take my church in other places now, and I don't believe in hell, so that theory dies fast. And excuse me, but did LJ change their format?  This page feels different.  I like it. See?  Scatty.  But I am.  Yesterday I was scatty, too, but I got a lot done.  Today I'm playing with a forum in its beta stage and noodling around, finally taking a shower half an hour ago.  Dan's sleeping as he's got the graveyard shift this weekend, Anna's in a bride costume over footie jams, and I'm finding more contests to enter.  This spring I shall be a contest slut. I'm actually really loving the contest slut gig.  It's so much less pressure than actually submitting to an agent or an editor, and I'm just not ready for that.  It's like dating only with higher stakes.  I can't submit to anybody yet because I don't know if I want to date them or not.  Submitting feels like a marriage proposal, and I don't even know if I like them yet.  This contest thing feels like crusing a bar.  They might read my entry and hate it, or they might love it, and then they might or might not make an offer.  Plus, with as many as I'm thinking of entering, my name will definitely get out there.  And unlike the scatty Sunday energy, this will be, hopefully, some sort of publishing energy. And related to that, one of the contests I was looking at today wanted the ending of a story, so I pulled out ATOS and checked it, but I was pretty dubious.  And nervous. I haven't read this thing since Novemeber, except for the first two scenes which I first looked at again last week.  So I read the end, pretty sure it was going to result in a round of I-hate-this-I-suck.  Result?  No, in fact it's not bad.  Few bumps here and there and things I want to fix, but now I'm kind of thinking I want to enter the contest after all.  In fact, I'm pretty hot stuff. Of course, now I have to write a synopsis.  ARG.


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