So, I've been writing in the WIP, which is why there has been not so much in the blog. There's also been a gratuitous amount of listening to the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack. And staring into space. I've written sixty pages in about two weeks, which is impressive until you hear that on this book I've gotten to page 100 three times already, so what will be impressive is when I'm at page 150 and then two weeks later at page 200. Except this one does feel like The Real Thing, and it's still moving, mostly – I stalled out today but I think it's because I was tired. What I did discover today, however, is that I'm writing velveeta. I'm going to have to finesse it into a respectable aromatic cheddar eventually, but right now it's pretty much velveeta. Arg. And the worst part is I can't tell if I'm overwriting them or if the motivations work or not. I just have to slog through the processed cheese product and get out, then come back and clean it up later and hope to God it can boil down to something decent. But in the meantime there are lingering glances, breathless moments, and way way way too much over emoting. I don't know if I'm overwriting per se, but I'd say there's a really good chance. I'm just so bummed because this was the part I was looking forward to writing, and to get her and have it be schmaltzy is kind of disappointing. I know, what an entry. But this is why I don't blog when I’m deep into writing. You just get brain goobers like this nonsense.
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